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DRTV Ads aren’t normal ads


When it’s imperative that your audience responds, leave them with a simple message and a simple, concise call to action. Trying to say too much or ask them to remember 5 different ways to respond limits overall response.

2) Sell, Sell, Sell.

A quirky narrative, an emotional message or a comedic masterpiece? We say none of the above. Yes, there’s room in 30 seconds to entertain to a degree, but each second spent do that detracts from the main point of the ad. With pure DRTV, it’s all about telling and selling. This does not need to be cheesy or tacky, just to the point.

3) Sell Your brand NOT your product

Selling the latest widget? So are other advertisers. Make sure the search is for your brand, not just your product. Brand search clicks are cheaper than sector clicks and people searching for your brand are far more likely to convert. Even better, give viewers a reason to come direct, cutting out Google altogether!

Planning a DRTV campaign?

Let’s have a chat!

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The Medical Accident Group